My Sixties Kolobrzeg 1960-1969 cz.2

Title: My Sixties Kolobrzeg 1960-1969 cz.2
Author: George Patan
Release Date: November 2011.
ISBN: 978-83-928774-3-1

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This book is not systematic or chronological chronicle of the events described. Is the original record of the history of Kolobrzeg in years 1960 – 1969. The wealth of material resulted in its edition in two parts.

The second part of my book sixties applies in most events of the year 1965, which remained permanently in the history of Kolobrzeg.

The album contains 650 photos, who stayed in the frame and reinforced the image for posterity, of the Millennium of Christianity in church ceremonies involving Polish priest Stefan Cardinal Wyszynski, Polish Primate, of the first festivals of military song, the formation of the literary "Red", the opening of the Museum of Polish Arms in the Collegiate, commercial ship construction "Kolobrzeg II", establishment of new schools - the Basic Building and Technical School Marine Fishery, housing construction, gas transport and plant electronic "ELWA" and photojournalism on the implementation of a feature film about the battle of Kolobrzeg, "Rowan red" by Eve and Czeslaw Petelskich.
The book forms a trilogy with previous releases of Coppermine 1872 – 1969, which, in three volumes (One - This former resort, second - When everything was first, Three - My Sixties) an almost century-old history of the city and buckle tied by history since the creation of the resort (German Kolberg) through its destruction, Polish pioneering years to the early restoration of Kolobrzeg.

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